Laid out my colours. Will finish this up in the next couple days.
Finished the black and white version and now its time for colour...i might just go to bed though.
So I accidentally saved over my good version of this one last night with a low quality version so i basically had to retrace/redraw this one. Now I get to colour it.
L. Ron Hubbard once asked the question are police really necessary? Not if all they are good for is believing liars who are homeowners and making their brothers homeless against their will so that bad born againChristian pastors put their stamp on their homelessness by paying for hotels and putting them in residential homes so that conservators can institutionalize them there and have to go to a church out of town where an assistant pastor works at and never apologizes for not being his friend when the police and the ambulance showing up at his home could have been avoided along with the hotel and residential home by just being his friend and letting him live with the pastor or a member of the church.