Monday, February 3, 2014

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Trailer

The new nearly 4 minute trailer for The Amazing Spider-Man 2.  The last one, the reboot without Tobey Maguire was alright, as huge a plus it didn't have Maguire or Kirsten Dunst.  It was pretty boring just retelling the origin story and featuring a villain that was unimpressive and computer generated.  The casing was fantastic though and the actors all were perfectly cast and did admirable jobs capturing the characters of their comic counterparts.  With the origin story out of the way and a story that will not rehash what we have seen before The Amazing Spider-Man looks like it could actually be amazing from what is shown in this trailer.  Hopefully they don't go too dark and depressing, which is a trend with these sorts of movies at the moment, thanks to Christopher Nolan and his Batman trilogy (which was the right tone for Batman (but still possibly less so)) and keep it very humorous and fun.  They are setting up for a lot of villains (The Sinister Six) and a few different Spider-Man spin-off movies as well which will be coming in the next few years.  This trailer is amazing and I look forward to the movie even more so now.


  1. Stan Lee created that character along with the Incredible Hulk. Lou Ferrigno played the Incredible Hulk in the show about that comic book character.

  2. I forgot about that why they call them the Sinister Six for. That is in the bible where it mentions the number six and the Mark of the Beast which is 666. So, I guess that makes sense since six is the number of man.
